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Polymerization and Hyper-Liquify

POLGEN Polymeriation Agent For Foam Concrete


Polymerization of a large number of organic molecules called polymerization occurs at the end of a chemical reaction called a chain structure.
Polymers have parallel and linear chain structure and make softening-hardening transformations with heating-cooling cycles. Polymers consist of randomly arranged and bonded chains and cannot soften by heating after curing by polymerization.

Polymers without chemical activity have higher compressive and tensile strength than normal concrete. However, modulus of elasticity is lower and creep deformations are higher. Thus, the weak tensile strength of concrete is improved by the use of polymeric materials.

Furthermore, the bonding agents used to strengthen the adherence between the polymer and Cimento beads and increase the strength of the composite.

 Polymers covering the surface of Crete particles provide resistance to shrinkage cracks caused by expansion and contraction movements of concrete.

Since the foam has a concrete cell structure, shrinkage cracks caused by shrinkage during the drying process of the concrete disrupt the concrete structure.

Polymers reinforce the structure by improving the weak tensile and shrinkage strength of Foam Concrete.


Cement weight is added to concrete mixed water at a rate of 0.3% - 0.7%. foam is added after the homogeneous mixture is provided.


Chemical content: Modified polymer
Color: Gray
Density: 1,4
PH: 8

ARTPOL Powder Polycarboxylate 



It is a polycarboxylate-based hyperplasticizer that provides fluidity by reducing the mixing water in cement concrete and mortars.

Consumption & Dosage:

The amount of use in cement concrete and mortars is between 0.4% and 0.8% of the cement weight.


Technicial Specifications:
Physical Appearance: Powder
Color: Light yellow
Solubility in water: Yes
Chlorine ion: Does not contain chlorine ion
Specific gravity: 0.3-0.4 g/cm3
Shelf life: At least 24 months in original packaging
Consumption: 0.4%-0.8% of binder weight

Usage areas:
In the production of self-leveling dry mixed screed.
In self-compacting concrete.
In ready-made mortars and plasters.
In ready-mixed concrete applications.
In the manufacture of heavy and light precast elements.
As a plasticizing additive in lightweight concrete production.
It is used in concretes containing fly ash and silica fume.


It increases fluidity very significantly.
It increases the processability of products.
Increases early and final mechanical strengths.
It increases water permeability.
It reduces segregation and cracking.
It reduces the amount of water required for the desired consistency.

Reduces shrinkage and creep.

10 kg protected pp bag.



Çimentolu beton ve harçlarda yüksek oranda karışım suyunu azaltarak akışkanlık özelliği kazandıran, polikarboksilat esaslı bir hiper akışkanlaştırıcıdır.

 Sarfiyat & Dozaj:

Çimentolu beton ve harçlarda kullanım miktarı çimento ağırlığının % 0.4 – %0.8 arası.


Teknik Özellikler:
Fiziksel Görünüm: Toz
Renk: Açık sarı
Suda çözünürlük: Evet
Klor iyonu: Klor iyonu içermez
Özgül ağırlık: 0.3-0.4 g/cm3
Raf ömrü: Orjinal ambalajında en az 24 ay
Tüketim: Bağlayıcı ağırlığının  %0.4-%0,8’i oranında

Kullanım Alanları:
Kendiliğinden yayılan kuru karışımlı şap üretiminde.
Kendiliğinden yerleşen betonlarda.
Hazır harç ve sıvalarda.
Hazır beton uygulamalarında.
Ağır ve hafif prekast elemanların imalatında.
Hafif beton üretiminde akışkanlaştırıcı katkı olarak.
Uçucu kül ve silis dumanı katkılı betonlarda kullanılır.


Akışkanlığı çok yüksek oranda artırır.
Ürünlerin işlenebilirliğini artırır.
Erken ve nihai mekanik mukavemetleri artırır.
Su geçirimsizliğini artırır.
Segregasyonu ve çatlamaları azaltır.
İstenen kıvam için gerekli su miktarını azaltır.

Büzülme ve sünmeyi azaltır.

10 kg’lık korumalı pp torba.

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